As promised, here are some pictures from the Ash Meadows project and my Grand Canyon trip. It took me a little longer than I thought, but better late than never, right? Here they are.
Ash Meadows:
This is a really bad picture of Devil's Hole, where those endangered fish live that I mentioned in my last post. We could only see if from a fenced in walkway above the hole so that we weren't disturbing the fish. |
This is inside the facility we toured where they are doing research related to the Pupfish. That's me in the picture to the right. |
This is one of the amazingly beautiful springs that are all over the place at Ash Meadows. They are breath-taking! |
Big Horn Sheep!
Grand Canyon (these are a little out of order, sorry):
It was snowing where we camped for the night. This is what it looked like in the morning when we woke up. |
The place we camped, on Forest Service land outside the park. |
The edge of the Grand Canyon. We couldn't see down into it because of the snow. |
During our hike. |
At the bottom. I was so excited! |
Another shot from the beginning of the hike when it was snowing. |
Lunch break |
Yay Grand Canyon! |
Another snowy shot |
This is when we just got to the river. I really like this picture. |
Our campsite at the bottom of the canyon. |
Now for an update of things since the last time I wrote. The project after our Grand Canyon trip was at Desert National Wildlife Refuge, which is only about an hour from Vegas. We were there for 4 days, which has started to feel really short compared to working for 8 days, and we worked on putting down concrete on a wheelchair accessible trail and removing Russian Olive, an invasive tree. We got to use chainsaws for the tree removal, and it was really cool because I felt like I had a breakthrough in my comfort with using a chainsaw, and I got to the point where I didn't feel the need to ask my supervisor, Corey, what I should do before making each cut, and he felt comfortable letting me work without watching me the whole time.
That weekend my roommates and I went to Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah. We camped there one night and spent the next day doing some hiking, and even though it was a short trip we got a good taste of the beauty of the area and how cool the rock formations are there. Here are some pictures from that, although they are from Facebook so the quality isn't great, and as always pictures never quite do the place justice.

The week after that we got even more chainsaw experience because we spent most of an 8-day project using them. We started out the week in Alamo, NV, using chainsaws to remove invasive tamarisk, or salt cedar, and then spraying the stumps with Garlan, a pesticide designed to kill the roots when it gets soaked in so the tree can't re-sprout. We did that for 4 days, but then on day 5 it started to rain and get too windy to safely use the chainsaws and chemicals, so we moved to the next project site in Carp, NV, where we spent 2 1/2 days building a barbed wire fence to prepare an area for invasive removal and native plantings. Then we went back to the first site for the last day and a half to finish that project when the weather improved. That week was usual for several reasons, first of all having to move our campsite twice because of the weather changing our plans, and we were also working on private land. Usually we work on public land but this time we were working with a woman from the Fish and Wildlife service who works with private land owners to do conservation projects on their land. So it was a different experience because we got to meet the landowners, one of which was quite a character. It was also the most difficult project we have had so far for many reason. It was the first time we had spent multiple days in a row using chainsaws for the entire day, and by the end of the week my entire arms were in pain and my hands kept cramping up, especially while I was sleeping. Then even when we weren't chainsawing for those few days, I thought my arms and hands would get a break, but having to hold onto the barbed wire to twist it around posts and things like that made my hands cramp up even more, so by the end of the week I could barely do anything and had to stop using the chainsaw for the last few hours because I couldn't even grip it without being in pain. It was also some of the worst weather we've had on any project. It rained for about 3 days, and the first day it rained it was really windy too and when we got back to our campsite my tent had blown about 10 feet from where I had set it up and the wind had driven rain into one side of it under the rain fly and the bottom half of my sleeping bag was wet. So that night I had to sleep curled up in a tiny ball in the top half of my sleeping bag to avoid getting my feet wet. Even though the conditions were not great, my crew did a great job of staying positive and keeping each other motivated. We had several nights where we ate dinner in the truck and just sat there for a while being completely ridiculous and silly, and I think that is what saved us from letting the bad weather and hard work get to us. By the end of the week though I was ready for those 6 days off!
For the 6 days off I went to the San Francisco area to visit the Hanley cousins for Thanksgiving! It was great to see all of them, and I was glad I was able to spend the holiday with family even though I'm so far away from home. On Thanksgiving morning I ran the Turkey Trot 5K with Terry and Will, which was really fun, and it was the first race I've run in so it was a great new experience! Over the weekend I also got to see a friend from college, Julia, who I hadn't seen since graduation, and it was great to catch up with her, even only for a few hours. It was a great trip, but then on Sunday I had to take a 13-hour bus ride to get back to Las Vegas, so I didn't feel very rested when I had to go back to work the next day. Luckily the work this past week wasn't hard, so it was a good recovery week after 2 weeks of not much downtime, but I wasn't as into it as usual because I was looking forward to being back in Vegas and just getting to relax and catch up on everything I hadn't gotten to do in the 2 weeks before. The project was at Ash Meadows again though, which is one of my favorite places we've worked, so it was still a fun week. We were removing Coyote Willow, which normally isn't something we'd remove because it's native, but Ash Meadows is removing it because it's been growing near water in several places and shading out important fish habitat. It's an interesting situation because they basically had to choose between two species that they normally would want to keep, but in this case the fish won because they're threatened or endangered, I can't remember which. We were using loppers and handsaws this time because we were mostly just taking out small sprouts that had come up since the previous treatment, so it wasn't physically hard, which was good because my arms were still recovering from the chainsawing we did, and we got to hang out with Abram and Will, two guys who work at the refuge who are really fun to work with, so over all it was fun week but I was really happy to get back to Vegas and relax this weekend. I haven't done anything exciting this weekend but that's fine with me, I've just relaxed and gotten errands and things around the apartment done that I've been putting off.
Then next week is another unusual one because we're going to Arizona. Interesting since we're the Nevada Conservation Corps, but we're working with the BLM on Lake Mead land so it's an area that crews have worked on before, it just happens to cross the state line. Then after that we have one more project where we're working at Red Rock Canyon, and then we have Christmas break. I'm really excited for that because I've been getting homesick recently and I can't wait to go home and see family for Christmas. I will try to write again at least once before Christmas, but I can't guarantee anything based on how infrequently I've been finding time to write. If I don't write before then, Happy Holidays everyone!